Mississippi Acadie Goddam Featured Mississippi Acadie Goddam : Comment un artiste acadien francophone s'inspire de Bloody Sunday en Alabama pour défier les gardiens silencieux de la culture acadienne. Claude Edwin Theriault, artiste acadien contemporain Asperger; s'inspirer du Bloody Sunday de Birmingham et lutter contre l'oppression culturelle
Contemporay French Canadian artist Featured The Rise of Contemporary Canadian Artists: Bridging Art and Esotericism Explore the fascinating world of contemporary French Canadian artist Theriault whose works blend human optimization and esoteric inspirations.
Cajun Dead and the Talkin`Stick Featured Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick : Révolutionner la culture acadienne à travers l'innovation musicale Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick, transforme un paysage stagnant dominé depuis longtemps par le statu quo en donnant la parole aux marginalisés.
French Acadian cultural gatekeepers Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick: Revolutionizing Acadian Culture Through Innovative Songwriting Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick, an innovative song lyric project is breathing new life into a cultural landscape of pride and festive gatherings.
Claude Edwin Theriault Featured Creative Theriault with AI Prompt Engineering & Web3 Transforming French Acadian Heritage Culture Kitchen parties & simplistic Acadian pride slogans—offers little inspiration or connection to the lived realities of modern Acadian communities.
french canadian culture Featured Behind the Curtain: Bell Media’s Tight Grip on Truth and the Silencing of French Acadian Voices CTV Atlantic purports to embrace inclusivity while persistently excluding French Acadian perspective mirrors broader cultural dynamics of Halifax
Eglise de St Bernard Featured Tokens, Traditions, and Transformation: The Fight to Preserve St. Bernard's Sacred Stone Sanctuary St. Bernard church,crucible where archaic fundraising methodologies collide with cutting-edge crowd fundrd financial Token instrumentalization.
Acadian Community Featured Insular Self-Sustaining Oligarchic Circle of Acadian Heritage Patrimonial Industry Acadian patrimonial industry, deeply embedded, operates in a good celebratory way but, behind the scenes, a self-sustaining oligarchic hierarchy.
Theriault Featured Beyond Boundaries: How AI generalist like Theriault are shattering creative production In the rapidly evolving technological innovation landscape in the new world order we are now in, a new paradigm is emerging—the AI generalist.
Contemporay artist Featured The current Collapse of Meaning in Contemporary Art: Reflecting on Lost Souls and Its Antidotes Contemporary art industry seemingly dominated by self-centred, self-serving artists, creating uninspired works for a similarly uninspired public.
Cajun Dead et Le Talkin`Stick Featured Breaking the Cajun Honky Mold: How Theriault’s Cajun Dead et le Talkin’ Stick” is Redefining dull mainstream Acadian Songwriting Theriault alliance with artists in Toronto transforming his short acapella lyrics into extended, rich compositions in the new world music genre.
Sonic Podcast Liberation: How a Maverick Artist Shatters Cultural Boundaries in the Digital Renaissance we are in. Shakinthe Cajun Honky tree with Cajun Dead et le TalkinStick Redo a Beau Grand Da Crou Grou a Da Gris Gris0:00/84.481× In the intricate landscape of contemporary artistic expression, few narratives exemplify radical transformation and intellectual resistance as profoundly as Claude Edwin Theriault's audacious podcast
Database reactivation Featured Creative Theriault transfers to Database reactivation Industry to help partnership clients to generate ROI on their Database leads Database reactivation ROI with SMS sent by a Sales Android to transforms dormant leads without the hefty PPL costs of new customer acquisition.
Claude Edwin Theriault Featured L'Art Theriault les Parole Musique des Appalaches Rencontre les Monolithes NFT en 3D Theriault mêle des récits culturels de multimédia qui associe arts visuels, musique et technologie pour créer une expérience immersive puissante.
Acadian Community Featured Cajun Dead and the Talkin' Stick: A Revolutionary Voice in Acadian Song Acadian and Cajun culture, a new thread is being woven that challenges traditional narratives and pushes the boundaries of artistic expression.
AI-Powered Android Bots Featured Revolutionizing Communication: How Conversational AI-Powered Android Bots Are Transforming Customer Interactions after hours No longer just robotic responders but sophisticated, empathetic communication partners changing customer service, sales, & client relationships.
Acadian music Featured Cajun Dead World Music Song lyric project makes progress Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick innovative song lyrics, "Embrace the Enemy You Know They Got Family Too," not a song, but a cultural manifesto.
Theriault Featured Unveiling the Mystic Tapestry: found in Theriault's Symbolist Art for the Soul POD Theriault visionary artist seamlessly blends ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technology.Captivating POD fuse totemic symbolism, and blockchain.
contemporay french acadian artists Featured Cajun Dead: How One French Acadian Artist Transforms Historical Trauma into Modern Refugee Commentary In an era where refugee crises often fade from headlines, French Acadian artist Theriault, crafts powerful present-day humanitarian crisis tale.
Claude Edwin Theriault Featured #1 French Acadian 1755 Tale on Current world Refugee Crisis: How Can Claude Theriault’s kdp book series Changes Our Perspective on cultivating empathy towards others? #1 French Acadian 1755 Tale on Current World Refugee Crisis: How Can Claude Theriault’s kdp book series Change Perspective on Cultivating Empathy
cape breton Featured Unmasking the Harmful Parallel Cultures of Celtic Colours Board of Directors and Acadian Oligarchs Toxic culture uncovered at Celtic Colours is not unique. It mirrors the same dynamics within the Acadian heritage patrimonial industry Oligarchs.
Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick Featured Rising Tides of Acadian Resilence: Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick Song Lyrics Call Out the Ghosting Silence with There’s a Boat in the Bay French Acadian Song Lyric project, “There’s a Boat in the Bay (and It’s Not One of Our Own),” Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick & Acadian identity.
2SLGBTQ+ Featured The latest greatest #1 Echo Chamber: The Curious Case of Avant-Garde, French Acadian Oligarch Business Magazine Avant Garde Magazine, backed by a cozy circle of politically connected cultural oligarchs, is the number 1 echo chamber media in the latest pattern interrupt.
Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse (CDÉNÉ) Featured La dernière et la meilleure chambre d'écho numéro 1 : Le curieux cas d'Avant-Garde, le magazine d'affaires des oligarques acadiens francophones Avant-Garde prétend célébrer l’entrepreneuriat sous toutes ses formes diverses, mais écarte curieusement des pans entiers de l’identité acadienne
Theriault contemporary art controversy Ghosting an Innovator: How 2024 Has Exposed the Dark Underbelly of French Acadian Cultural Gatekeepers Publicly funded to promote diversity of French Acadian culture, yet stifle innovation and diversity through blatant exclusionary practices.