1755 Featured Acadian Diaspora 1755 Grand Pré parable tale to current World Humanitarian Refugee Crisis New French Acadian Grand Pré Diaspora 1755 children`s book tale serves as a parable of empathy to the current World Humanitarian Refugee Crisis
french acadian heritage patrimonial industry Featured Multi-disciplined Contemporary French Canadian Artist benchmark Collection Convocation CMA 2024 Theriault of MBF-Lifestyle East Coast: Redefining French Canadian Contemporary benchmark Art collection for Claregyle CMA 2024 convocation.
2024 World Acadian Congress Featured #1 Congres Mondial Acadian Arts Culture update 2024 French Canadian artists who grapple with unresolved shadows creeping out from the corners of cultural tableau of World Acadian Congress in 2024.
1755 Featured Acadian 1755 Disapora shines a light on current World Humanitarian Refugee Crisis Marginalised Queer Asperger contemporary French Canadian artist Theriault compelling, transformative potential, of Art and literature Narratives.
French Canadian contemporary artwork Featured Contemporary French Canadian Artist Navigating Archetypal Visual Narratives in NFT Artworld Reboot 2025 Contemporary French Canadian Artist Theriault online art gallery trailblazer, setting the cornerstone benchmark in therapeutic experience design.
French Acadian culture Featured Intervener shatters Silence of Acadians: CTV News Atlantic.ca Faces Accusations of Francophobic Exclusion while CRTC Sleeps. Contemporary Artists Shatters Silence of Acadians: CTV News Atlantic.ca Faces Accusations of Francophobic Exclusion while lazy CRTC staff sleeps.
contemporay french acadian artists Featured The Echoes of Silence: A Lament for French Acadian Music Culture & its Need for new Style Cajun Dead et Le Talkin Stick add richness to the region's musical heritage, once thriving has flatlined into dull cycle of uninspired remakes.
Quebecois Featured A Cultural Dichotomy in Quebecois Progressivism and Acadian Conservatism from New Brunswick to Toronto and back again Quebecois culture is often celebrated for its liberal, forward-thinking nature, while Acadian culture is perceived as conservative and prudish.
2024 World Acadian Congress Featured Cajun Dead and the Talkin Stick: Breathing New Life into Acadian Musicians French Acadian songs, experiencing an NFT reboot with the innovative Cajun Dead and the Talkin Stick sound and vision project on Web 3 Blockchain
Université Sainte-Anne Featured Church Point University Ste Anne's Masterclass in Under-Rug Sweep of its Campus Rape Culture. University Ste Anne's continues its not so brilliant Under Rug Sweep of it`s Rape Culture.Diversity and inclusion, is just there for the paycheck
Cajun Dead 3D Featured Breathing Life into Tradition: French Acadian Artists Pioneer Crypto Art on Ethereum Blockchain Cajun Dead Breathing Life into Traditional French Acadian Arts Pioneer 3D NFT Crypto Art on Ethereum Blockchain Vision and Sound La Relève Vol 4
Atlantic Canada Featured Discover the Atlantic Canada Arts and Culture Must-See Event of the Year for 2024 Atlantic Canada, the Gosh Darn Golly Friendly Squiggy Wiggly and of endless fun and excitement, where you experience many events and attractions.
Le Louisianais New Le Louisianais media Contemporary Nova Scotia Cajun Clans finds inspiration from. Tartan tapestry woven threads of culture, language, and music, connecting two seemingly disparate regions – Louisiana and Claregyle Nova Scotia.
ESDC Featured ESDC Concerns Over Inappropriate Content in Arthur Comeau Tide School ESDC Rapstar Video ESDC teacher aides express Concerns Over Inappropriate image and language Content in CSAP grant funded Arthur Comeau Tide School Rapstar Video.
Trécarré film Featured #1 Dull uninspired Trécarré Film at Congres Mondial Acadian 2024 Trécarré film set to premieres at the Congrès Mondial Acadien aims to promote Heritage Patrimonial Industry by focusing on local musicians only.
Révolution Financière Featured L'Artiste Claude et le Monde des NFT movemente et La nouvelle Révolution Financière 'Révolution Financière se déroule sous nos yeux. S'agit d'une étoile montante parmi les actifs blue chip, une perle rare pour les investisseurs.
Halifax Nocturne Event Featured Continued Callout on the Exclusion of Contemporary French Acadian Artists from Halifax Nocturne Nocturne Halifax is at the center of attention lately, but not for its enchanting installations but exclusion of Acadian artists in the event.
Claude Edwin Theriault Featured L'Art de Claude et l'Émergence des Nouveaux Bleus Actifs Les investisseurs éclairés se tournent vers ces solutions innovantes, cherchant à intégrer les NFT dans leurs portfolio portefeuilles.
SSHRC Partnership Grant Featured Université Sainte-Anne's Bold Quest for the Mysteries of Acadia with the SSHRC Partnership Grant U.S.A gets Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral study of 2024 World Acadian Congress.
CRTC Featured CRTC's Astounding "Oversight": CTV Atlantic's Exemplary Lack of French Acadian media Inclusion When the CRTC and its blatant and astounding total oversight in monitoring the media landscape while compromising inclusion at CTV Atlantic.ca.
La société acadienne de clare Featured La société acadienne de clare and the french acadian heritage patrimonial industry Old heritage patrimonial industry unchanging and dominated by stagnant Nova Scotia French Acadian culture for years. However, change is a comin'.
Claude Edwin Theriault Featured Fusion des arts et de la culture artistique de Thériault Congrès Mondial Acadien 2024 Les Tartan des Clans MBF-Lifestyle, se présente comme une force créative, marginale et hors du courant, repoussant les limites et question les normes artistiques.
Baie Ste Marie Featured Faire revivre la culture acadienne par la musique : projet ambitieux Fleurir en Musique à La Baie Ste Marie. Faire revivre la culture acadienne par la musique; projet ambitieux Fleurir en Musique à La Baie Ste Marie pour un change de Patrimoine Heritage
Contemporay artist Featured A Reflection on Contemporary Artists' Exploration of Self-Centered Realities and the Nature of Faith. New breed of contemporary artists is emerging to examine a profound paradox increasingly evident: the belief in complete self-autonomy in a world
French Acadian culture Featured CTV Atlantic.ca Continues Exclusion of French Acadian Culture: Acadian community facing extinction via assimilation into the dull and uninspired Halifax centric Bell media culture of phoney Jive at Five news.