Claude Edwin Theriault Featured Future of Contemporary Art: Claude Edwin Theriault Visionary Fusion of Technology and Creativity Work is a unique fusion of totemic crypto art, blockchain technology, and fractal design, challenging convention creating a new visual language.
Contemporay artist Contemporary French Canadian Artworks of Merit Theriault, a premiere Contemporary digital artist famed for his innovative use of design elements to create unique and captivating artworks.
Halifax Nocturne Event Featured Continued Callout on the Exclusion of Contemporary French Acadian Artists from Halifax Nocturne Nocturne Halifax is at the center of attention lately, but not for its enchanting installations but exclusion of Acadian artists in the event.
Contemporay artist Featured A Reflection on Contemporary Artists' Exploration of Self-Centered Realities and the Nature of Faith. New breed of contemporary artists is emerging to examine a profound paradox increasingly evident: the belief in complete self-autonomy in a world