CRTC Featured Beyond false Acadian pride and Grou Tyme kitchen party agenda Acadian Heritage patrimonial industry culture in Atlantic Canada. From the very bottom of the hierarchy chain to the tippy-top of the Dodge.
contemporay french acadian artists Featured Cajun Dead: How One French Acadian Artist Transforms Historical Trauma into Modern Refugee Commentary In an era where refugee crises often fade from headlines, French Acadian artist Theriault, crafts powerful present-day humanitarian crisis tale.
2024 World Acadian Congress Fall of French Acadian Heritage Patrimonial Industry Our solemn reality of Acadian cultural erosion at the hands of an ancient patrimonial industry a once vibrant tapestry, now rendered obsolete.
Le festival Acadian de Clare Featured Xenophobe-Queerphobic Oligarch de la culture franco-acadien Fierté fervente s'est transformée en une clique ethnocentrique qui protège son patrimoine. Transformation a donné naissance d'oligarques Raciste.
Contemporay artist Contemporary French Canadian Artworks of Merit Theriault, a premiere Contemporary digital artist famed for his innovative use of design elements to create unique and captivating artworks.
Claude Edwin Theriault Featured Contemporary French Canadian Artist POD Wall Design Youtube channel Mission statement Claude Edwin Theriault POD Wall Artwork and Designs Video Channel that shares breathtaking art of Claude Edwin Theriault through video platform.
french acadian heritage patrimonial industry Featured Multi-disciplined Contemporary French Canadian Artist benchmark Collection Convocation CMA 2024 Theriault of MBF-Lifestyle East Coast: Redefining French Canadian Contemporary benchmark Art collection for Claregyle CMA 2024 convocation.
contemporay french acadian artists Featured The Echoes of Silence: A Lament for French Acadian Music Culture & its Need for new Style Cajun Dead et Le Talkin Stick add richness to the region's musical heritage, once thriving has flatlined into dull cycle of uninspired remakes.
Atlantic Canada Featured Discover the Atlantic Canada Arts and Culture Must-See Event of the Year for 2024 Atlantic Canada, the Gosh Darn Golly Friendly Squiggy Wiggly and of endless fun and excitement, where you experience many events and attractions.
CRTC Featured CRTC's Astounding "Oversight": CTV Atlantic's Exemplary Lack of French Acadian media Inclusion When the CRTC and its blatant and astounding total oversight in monitoring the media landscape while compromising inclusion at CTV
3D motion graphics Featured 3D Digital Artwork on Blockchain The esoteric-inspired totemic imagery used by Claude Edwin Theriault @ MBF-Lifestyle set themselves apart with the guiding beauty of the heavens.