CRTC Featured Beyond false Acadian pride and Grou Tyme kitchen party agenda Acadian Heritage patrimonial industry culture in Atlantic Canada. From the very bottom of the hierarchy chain to the tippy-top of the Dodge.
French Canadian contemporary artwork Featured Contemporary French Canadian Artist Navigating Archetypal Visual Narratives in NFT Artworld Reboot 2025 Contemporary French Canadian Artist Theriault online art gallery trailblazer, setting the cornerstone benchmark in therapeutic experience design.
French Acadian culture Featured Intervener shatters Silence of Acadians: CTV News Faces Accusations of Francophobic Exclusion while CRTC Sleeps. Contemporary Artists Shatters Silence of Acadians: CTV News Faces Accusations of Francophobic Exclusion while lazy CRTC staff sleeps.
CRTC Featured CRTC's Astounding "Oversight": CTV Atlantic's Exemplary Lack of French Acadian media Inclusion When the CRTC and its blatant and astounding total oversight in monitoring the media landscape while compromising inclusion at CTV
French Acadian culture Featured CTV Continues Exclusion of French Acadian Culture: Acadian community facing extinction via assimilation into the dull and uninspired Halifax centric Bell media culture of phoney Jive at Five news.
CRTC Le CRTC réglemente-t-il les communications de décision de diffusion ou préserve-t-il les monopoles des médias locaux ? Artistes contemporains acadiens français soutiennent que le CRTC s'est égaré, se transformant en une société zombie axée sur le chèques de paie.
CTV Atlantic Featured Is CRTC regulating broadcast decision Communications or Preserving local Media Monopolies? French Acadian Contemporary Artists argue that the CRTC has lost its way, transforming into a zombie corporation primarily paycheck focused.