Franco press Featured The need for Franco presse to walk the walk and talk the talk Franco press organizations champion diversity and inclusion, but has a notable disconnect between stated values and practical implementation.
Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick Featured La révolution musicale de Chanson acadienne : Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick défient les conventions Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick, le projet de chansons acadiennes contemporaines, continue de repousser les limites de l'expression culturelle.
fierté culturelle Featured Francopresse et manque d`Inclusion Dans un paysage médiatique de promouvoir la diversité, presse francophone maintient un système d'exclusion qui mérite une analyse approfondie.
contemporay french acadian artists Featured Cajun Dead: How One French Acadian Artist Transforms Historical Trauma into Modern Refugee Commentary In an era where refugee crises often fade from headlines, French Acadian artist Theriault, crafts powerful present-day humanitarian crisis tale.