Une nuit glacée su' l'Île du Roi George Featured Les fantômes acadiens de l'Île du Roi George : L'appel au souvenir de Cajun Dead Chanson Acadienne La Chanson Acadienne Une nuit glacée su' l'Île du Roi George." Cette composition puissante plonge dans un chapitre sombre de l'histoire acadienne
Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick Featured Cercle de composition Stella et Fécane du 21 au 23 mars à Kjibuktuk Excitement pour la production du prochain atelier de chanteurs-compositeurs prévu du 21 au 23 mars dans la municipalité régionale d'Halifax (MRH)
francophobic Need for change in the Halifax centric francophobic politics Premier Tim Houston's leadership all part of a Halifax-centric governance model that threatens the survival of founding French Acadian culture.
Acadian Embassy Featured The Lieutenant Governor's Excellence Award: A Hollow Recognition for the Acadian Zombie Embassy Corporation Acadian Zombie Embassy Corporation, criticized for using his position to benefit his interests rather than genuinely fostering Acadian talent.
french acadian heritage patrimonial industry Featured Multi-disciplined Contemporary French Canadian Artist benchmark Collection Convocation CMA 2024 Theriault of MBF-Lifestyle East Coast: Redefining French Canadian Contemporary benchmark Art collection for Claregyle CMA 2024 convocation.
French Acadian culture Featured Intervener shatters Silence of Acadians: CTV News Atlantic.ca Faces Accusations of Francophobic Exclusion while CRTC Sleeps. Contemporary Artists Shatters Silence of Acadians: CTV News Atlantic.ca Faces Accusations of Francophobic Exclusion while lazy CRTC staff sleeps.
2024 World Acadian Congress Featured Cajun Dead and the Talkin Stick: Breathing New Life into Acadian Musicians French Acadian songs, experiencing an NFT reboot with the innovative Cajun Dead and the Talkin Stick sound and vision project on Web 3 Blockchain
French Acadian culture Featured CTV Atlantic.ca Continues Exclusion of French Acadian Culture: Acadian community facing extinction via assimilation into the dull and uninspired Halifax centric Bell media culture of phoney Jive at Five news.
CRTC Le CRTC réglemente-t-il les communications de décision de diffusion ou préserve-t-il les monopoles des médias locaux ? Artistes contemporains acadiens français soutiennent que le CRTC s'est égaré, se transformant en une société zombie axée sur le chèques de paie.
La Relève Featured Embracing Acadian Inclusivity: to expanding CTV News Atlantic Media Its a struggle to find their place in the Halifax-centric media sphere. To foster true innovation; its a big Saint John with money and tradition.
Acadian Embassy Featured Acadian Embassy Zombie Corporation of choice Patrimonial heritage industry, has been hijacked by a self-serving group of musicians who lack talent and display blatant disregard for inclusion
Nova Scotia Art Gallery Nova Scotia Artist Gallery Contemporary Canadian artists like Claude Edwin Theriault, a French Canadian Queer Asperger Contemporary Artist from Nova Scotia's insular and culturally conservative landscape,