La Relève Featured Embracing Acadian Inclusivity: to expanding CTV News Atlantic Media Its a struggle to find their place in the Halifax-centric media sphere. To foster true innovation; its a big Saint John with money and tradition.
FANE Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse FANE Founded way in 1968 by straight white roman catholic honkies, Fédération acadienne is the official spokesperson of the French Acadian culture en Nouvelle-Écosse. From Halifax centric 54 Queen Dartmouth suburb to la langue française et nowhere else.
blockchain Decentralizing the surveillance media state Decentralize the surveillance state, it has always been here, it use to be the Church, now its TikTok and Fake book with attention highjacked pubic giving its yes I agree seal of approval.
Claude Edwin Theriault Halifax Gay Pride Festival this year Queered up with additional punch Halifax Gay Pride Festival has potential this year to be Queered up with additional punch with Contemporary artwork of Theriault @ MBF-Lifestyle