The Power of Esoteric-Inspired Sacred Design:

Incorporating esoteric-inspired sacred design principles, he creates a visual language that transcends ordinary, captivating profound symbolism.

The Power of Esoteric-Inspired Sacred Design:
Franch Cajun Monolith just a Shinin`Light of Empathie
Power of esoteric inspired Tarot card narrative read through time

Theriault's approach to contemporary art is a bold departure from conventional aesthetics. By incorporating esoteric-inspired sacred design principles, he creates a visual language that transcends the ordinary, captivating us with its calming presence and profound symbolism. The emphasis on esotericism explores the hidden, mystical knowledge that lies beneath the surface of everyday life, while sacred design represents the expression of divine and transcendent ideas. These concepts combine in Theriault's art to create a rich tapestry of meaning that resonates deeply with the subconscious and taps into a collective unconsciousness.

Mandala Symbolism-in Contemporary NFT Collection Bull Market
Mandala Symbolism-reflected in emerging Contemporary NFT Collections we are seeing in the new Bull Market of DeFi

Theriault's artwork has intricate symbols, archetypal motifs, and metaphysical references. These elements invite viewers to delve into deeper realms of consciousness and explore the hidden meanings beneath the surface appearance of things. The use of complex symbolism and metaphysical references creates a sense of wonder and intrigue, drawing us in with the promise of more profound insights and understanding.

Cathederal-Narcissus-Sleeping-Albino-Snake design

One of the critical aspects of Theriault's approach to art is his use of symmetry and geometric patterns, which create a sense of harmony and balance within the piece. This often includes mandalas, sacred circles used in traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism for meditation and spiritual practice. Using these holy symbols creates a sense of connection with the divine and helps anchor us in the present moment.

Reap what you sow Yo Dao Daddi

Another essential feature of Theriault's approach to art is his use of the male nude to represent the Terre des Homme-human race, which has him marginalized and apart from the conservative mainstream arts and crafts circuit in his native Nova Scotia.

He employs a limited colour palette, often muted tones and earthy hues. This creates a sense of calm and tranquility and allows the viewer to focus on the intricate details and symbolism of the piece. The colour also conveys emotional and psychological states, allowing viewers to connect with the work on a deeper level.

Terre des Hommes Monoliths 

Theriault's approach to art is a unique and powerful expression of esoteric-inspired sacred design principles. Through his intricate symbolism, archetypal motifs, and metaphysical references, he creates a visual language that transcends the ordinary, inviting us to explore deeper realms of consciousness. His use of symmetry, geometric patterns, and limited colour palettes creates a sense of harmony and balance within the piece, anchoring us in the present moment and connecting us with the divine.


In this way, the Tonal and Nagual dualities in Theriault's art bridges the seen and the unseen, transcending conventional aesthetics to create a powerful and transformative visual experience.