Theriault Watches BRICS Currency with a Gold-Backed Edge: A New Power Play in Global Finance

With the BRICS nations eyeing their own currency to compete against the U.S. dollar,Theriault watching financial storm brewing & is ready for it.

Theriault Watches BRICS Currency with a Gold-Backed Edge: A New Power Play in Global Finance
Tech savy NFT creators watch Fintech go for the Gold

Theriault Watches BRICS Currency with a Gold-Backed New Power Play in Global Finance

Claude Edwin Theriault of MBF-Lifestyle Design Studio isn’t just another artist minting NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain—he’s a sharp observer of the shifting global economic landscape. With the BRICS nations eyeing their own currency to compete against the U.S. dollar, it’s clear this financial storm has been brewing for a while, and Theriault is ready for it.

He sees it coming like an unavoidable force, and according to him, "It’s only a matter of time before BRICS gets their act together. And once they do, they’ll need a strong anchor to give their currency credibility—probably gold." For Theriault, gold’s recent price surge is more than a spike on the charts. It’s a signal, an economic whisper, that the game is changing. And in this new game, he’s betting on the tokenization of assets, the CeFi-to-DeFi shift, and how his art—like his 3D motion graphics pushing brand logos to a new billboard benchmark—are poised to ride the wave of a new financial order.

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The BRICS Threat and Gold’s Role in the Big Leagues

The BRICS nations aren’t playing a friendly match. They’re gearing up for a heavyweight bout with the U.S. dollar. The coalition of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa is well aware that challenging the dollar’s supremacy on the world stage isn’t going to be a walk in the park. But here’s the kicker: they know that to win the trust of global markets, they’ll need more than economic heft. They’ll need hard assets. Enter gold.

For Theriault, gold’s relevance is the keystone of the BRICS plan. It’s the currency equivalent of a bodybuilder strutting onto a stage: undeniable and impossible to ignore. If the BRICS currency is linked to gold, it instantly gains a level of credibility and trust that fiat currencies lack. That’s where the real power comes in. "It’s not just about making noise," Theriault explains, "it’s about showing up with the goods—and gold is the goods."

But this isn’t like the last gold bull market. Theriault has an eye for patterns and knows this time is different. "It’s not the average Joe buying up gold bars to protect against inflation," he says. "Those guys aren’t even in the market yet. And the mining companies? They haven’t caught fire either... yet."

Instead, we’re seeing a more calculated shift—a prelude to something larger. The BRICS nations, eyeing a gold-backed currency, are playing the long game, and once the dominoes fall, the impact will be global.

Gold and the CeFi-to-DeFi Shift: The Big Tokenization

The run-up in gold prices may seem like déjà vu to some, but for Theriault, it’s part of a broader trend that goes beyond shiny metal bars in vaults. This surge is tied to something far bigger: the seismic shift from centralized finance (CeFi) to decentralized finance (DeFi).

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In the DeFi world, assets aren’t just numbers on a ledger or bricks in a vault—they’re tokenized. "We’re seeing the tokenization of everything that has utility value," Theriault says, his voice carrying the weight of someone who’s been ahead of the curve. Gold, NFTs, real estate—you name it, it’s being turned into digital assets that exist on blockchain networks. These aren’t assets you just sit on for a rainy day. They’re assets with real-world applications that are tradeable and usable in decentralized ecosystems.

Theriault’s vision of a gold-backed BRICS currency fits right into this larger narrative. A BRICS coin tied to gold would offer an unprecedented level of trust, but more importantly, it could be tokenized on blockchain platforms, giving it a level of utility that fiat currencies can’t match.

And Theriault isn’t just watching from the sidelines. He’s in the thick of it, using his artistic talents to create NFTs and 3D motion graphics that are pushing brand logos to new heights—the kind of work that transforms logos into visual powerhouses, taking them from mere brand symbols to the next billboard benchmark. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about standing out in a crowded digital landscape. His creations are functional digital assets that provide real value in the modern marketplace.

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Why Utility Matters More Than Ever

In today’s financial landscape, beauty alone won’t cut it. Aesthetic value is just one piece of the puzzle. Theriault understands that the future is all about utility, especially in the world of art. His 3D motion graphics and NFTs aren’t just pretty pictures—they’re assets with real-world value, tradeable and functional in various virtual ecosystems. Theriault's work is rooted in utility, whether it’s a logo designed to dominate digital screens or an NFT that can be used in the metaverse.

"We’ve seen it before," he says, referencing the art market. "There’s always a rush to acquire works that do more than just sit on a wall. It’s about functionality and how those pieces fit into bigger ecosystems."

This idea of utility extends beyond art. It’s at the core of the new financial systems being built on blockchain networks. Just like his art, the assets being tokenized—whether gold, NFTs, or other assets—are designed to be used, traded, and provide real value in decentralized systems. Theriault’s art, minted on the Ethereum blockchain, is a perfect example of how traditional and digital worlds collide in unexpected and transformative ways.

The Art of Navigating the Future: Gold, BRICS, and Beyond

Gold may be on a tear right now, but Theriault isn’t getting swept up in the hype. He’s looking at the bigger picture—how this commodity fits into the broader shift from centralized control to decentralized freedom. We're entering uncharted waters with the BRICS nations preparing to challenge the dollar and likely backing their currency with gold.

Theriault sees this as more than just an economic shift. It’s also a cultural one, where digital and physical assets collide. Whether it’s gold-backed currencies or tokenized art, the future belongs to those who can harness the power of both. "We’re living through a convergence," he says, "and the ones who see it now, they’re the ones who are going to win."

His own work as an artist is living proof. As gold prices continue to hit record highs and the BRICS nations move closer to launching their currencies, Theriault is minting new art on the Ethereum blockchain. His 3D motion graphics, pushing brand logos to the next billboard benchmark, are more than just art—they’re assets in this new world order.

This isn’t just a financial Fintech merger revolution; it’s a cultural one. Theriault is right there at the crossroads, crafting pieces that blend beauty, function, and vision. And as the BRICS nations prepare to compete with the U.S. dollar, backed by gold and fueled by tokenization, the world—and the art market—will never be the same.

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